Food Alchemy

Nourish Your Body With Delicious Nutrition

As a fundamental need for our lives, our bodies require nourishment through food. Food Alchemy teaches us about nutrition and using food as medicine to heal and harmonise the body. Consuming wholesome, nutrient-dense foods prepared with love can cultivate a deeper connection with our bodies, leading to natural and radiant health.

Sessions with the food alchemist include a comprehensive assessment of diet and lifestyle and will focus on:

  • Feeling healthy and confident

  • Increasing energy levels and well-being

  • Feeling more connected to your body and what you’re consuming.

  • Being able to enjoy the deliciousness and variety that nutrient-dense food has to offer.

  • Long-term healing and prevention of disease and illnesses

  • Nurturing and nourishing your body and soul.

  • Improving your love and sex life.



  • This involves a comprehensive assessment of your current state of health and well-being. We discuss your health history, current health complaints and symptoms, eating habits and lifestyle so we can establish realistic goals toward your radiant life.

    As a food-focused nutritionist, correct dietary practice tailored to you is often the best starting point in assisting you with finding vibrant health. I will only prescribe supplements if necessary and believe they will help.

    My primary intentions are to provide you with knowledge and understanding of foods that enhance your health and guide you to discover more nutritional foods you love.

    Your treatment will include the following:

    • A physical examination: Depending on your symptoms and health history, you may need to undergo one or more physical examinations such as weight measurement, body composition, fat and muscle analysis, blood pressure, zinc test, and nail and tongue analysis.

    • Referrals: These will be made, if necessary, to your local health practitioners, such as general practitioners, psychologists, psychotherapists, and pathology laboratories (for diagnostic testing to identify underlying causes of conditions).

    • Prescription of nutritional supplements if indicated (additional fees apply)

    • A comprehensive, tailored treatment plan with recommendations and referrals will be emailed within three to four business days.

    • A 15-minute follow-up phone consult to discuss the treatment plan.

  • A standard consult follows up on the initial consult. They are important for reviewing your progress with the treatment plan, to adjust the treatment plan over time, to keep you motivated and ensure you’re on track to reach your long-term health goals. They are also the time to reassess and identify areas where you may need more attention or support, to make any necessary changes and answer any questions you have.

    Your treatment will evolve and progress with each consult, making your long-term health goal realistic and achievable.

    Your treatment will include:

    • Discussion and evaluation of your progress, looking deeper into any issues we’ve uncovered.

    • Reviewing pathology results, specialist reports and recommending other relevant diagnostic tests if necessary.

    • All concerns or questions you have will be discussed.

Food has the power to transform us, as what we consume and how we consume it can heal and rejuvenate, elevating our bodies to become fully alive and radiant. Through education, I’d like to empower others to make informed dietary choices and spread awareness about the connection between nutrition and its effects on physical and mental health.
— Chicky Hampshire


Drawing from a rich culinary background honed across London and Europe, Chicky has been the creative force behind her beloved catering business in Sydney for an impressive three decades. At our retreats, events and workshops, we are fortunate enough to have Chicky's culinary finesse to provide the delicious nourishment of our gatherings. With a graceful touch, she crafts bespoke dishes that not only tantalise the taste buds but also warm the soul, perfectly aligning with White Dakini’s discerning standards.

Chicky infuses her creations with palpable passion, evident in every carefully curated ingredient she selects. With a keen eye for quality, she scours markets for the freshest produce, ensuring each dish tells a story of freshness and flavour. For her, food isn't merely sustenance; it's a heartfelt expression of care and dedication, meant to bring joy and nourishment to every guest fortunate enough to savor her culinary artistry.

Your Food Alchemist

Chicky Hampshire

With over 30 years of experience as a professional and passionate chef and, more recently, a professional nutritionist, Chicky has a wealth of knowledge and flair in food and nutrition, holding a Bachelor of Health Science in nutritional medicine. Chicky has cultivated a unique nutrition practice to help you reach your health goals through nourishing food and lifestyle changes. She can aid you in diagnosing your health issues and will motivate and support you on your health journey.

  • Bachelor of Health Science (Nutritional and Dietetic Medicine), Endeavour College of Natural Health

    Australian Natural Therapist Association (ANTA) accredited practitioner

    Diploma in Food and Wine, Leith’s School of Food and Wine London

    Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, MRWED